Master Dy are a band from Portugal that plays a very dark, melodic and symphonic mixture of black, death, gothic, pop and power metal and this is a review of their 2024 album "FRUCTUS : The Master's Zodiac" which was released by DMG.
A very heavy and symphonic sound starts off the album while you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording. Melodies are also added into a lot of the guitar riffing along with the solos and leads also being done in a very melodic style and clean playing is also added on some of the tracks.
When clear vocals are utilized they also bring in elements of power and gothic metal while the album also has its progressive moments. A lot of the music also captures more of a mainstream style along with the harsh vocals adding in touches of black and death metal when they are introduced on the recording as well as one track also adding in a brief use of clear male vocals, blast beats and fast playing can also be heard briefly.
Master Dy plays a musical style that is more rooted in the melodic symphonic and gothic/power metal style as well as mixing in the heaviness of black and death metal to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover resilience, self-reliance and the human spirit's will to overcome.
In my opinion Master Dy are a very great sounding melodic and symphonic mixture of black, death, gothic, pop and power metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Bad Omens Of January" "Ephermal Void" "Regel Eclipse" and "Nocturnal Veil". 8 out of 10.
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