The Privateer are a band from Germany that plays folk metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Monolith" which was released by TrollZorn Records.
"The Privateer" begins with some folk music style acoustic guitars which utilize both finger picking and full chords along with some violins a few seconds later and you can hear other folk instruments in the song and then the music gets a little bit heavier with some guitar riffs, leads and blast beats.
"A Sequel From A Distant Visit" begins with some heavy and melodic guitar riffs along with some drums as well as some guitar leads and a brief growl before going into some melodic clean singing while also mixing in some black metal screams before adding in some violins and classical guitars and towards the end there is a brief use of female vocals.
"What We Took Home" begins with some soft acoustic guitar playing and a minute later violins kick in before adding in some heavy and melodic guitar riffs and leads as well as some drums and blast beats along with some synths.
"Track Down And Avenge" begins with some heavy guitar and bass riffs before adding in some drums and melodic guitar riffing along with some solos and leads a few seconds later and then the violins start kicking in and as time goes on by melodic vocals start kicking in before going into black metal screams.
"Ember Sea' begins with some acoustic guitars which utilize folk music elements along with some synths and a few seconds alter drums, and heavy and melodic guitar riffs kick in along with some violins which lead s up to some black metal style vocals along with some clean singing and after awhile you can hear some powerful sounding bass guitars and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos or leads being utilized.
"Monolith" begins with some melodic guitar leads and drums along with some violins and bass guitars and a few seconds alter power metal vocals start kicking in along with some black metal screams and melodic guitar leads as well as some blast beats being utilized briefly and towards the end the song goes into a more folk music direction before getting heavy and melodic again.
"Stortebeker" begins with some acoustic guitars and violins before adding in some melodic guitar leads and then some heavy guitar and bass riffs kicking in along with some melodic vocals and black metal screams and towards the end it adds in more folk elements along with the metal parts.
"The Privateer" begins with some acoustic guitars and rough vocals which also lead up to some distorted melodic guitar leads along with some bass guitars before adding in heavy riffing and drums and towards the end there are some guitar solos being utilized.
"Madman's Diaries" begins with some heavy and melodic guitar and bass riffs which leads up to some drums and clean singing vocals along with a small amount of black metal screams and halfway through the song guitar solos and leads start coming in and out. and towards the end violins start making their way into the song.
"The Tides" begins with some acoustic guitars and a few seconds alter drum beats and violins start coming in along with some synths and the song is all instrumental.
"From What Lurks In The Storm" begins with heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and melodic riffing and then the music speeds up a bit along with some blast beats, black metal screams and clean singing male and female vocals as well as adding violins in certain sections of the song and after a couple of minutes death metal growls are utilized briefly.
"In The Nought Of Wind" begins with some acoustic guitar riffs and leads along with some violins before thew heavy guitar and bass riffs kick in along wit h some drums, melodic leads and clean singing vocals as well as a brief sue of black metal screams and halfway through the song the acoustic guitars return along with some synths before getting heavy again.
Song lyrics cover pirate themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion The Privateer are a very great sounding folk metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "A Sequel From A Distant Visit" "Track Down And Avenge" "Madman's Diaries" and "In The Nought Of Wind". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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