Shores Of Null are a band from Italy that has had music reviewed before in this zine and on this recording plays a melodic mixture of black, doom, death and gothic metal and this is a review of their 2023 album "The Loss Of Beauty" which was released by Spikerot Records.
A very dark yet heavy sound starts off the album while the slower sections of the songs also bring in elements of doom metal. Melodies are also added into a lot of the guitar riffing along with all of the musical instruments also having a very powerful sound to them and the clean vocals also add in more of a gothic metal style.
Death metal growls are also a very huge part of the recording while the solos and leads are also done in a very melodic style. Black metal screams can also be heard at times along with some blast beats also being utilized when the music finally speeds up on a couple of tracks along with one song also adding in a brief use of keyboards, spoken words are also introduced briefly and most of the album sticks to either a slow or mid tempo direction.
On this recording Shores Of Null takes the melodic forms of black and death metal and mixes them with doom and gothic metal to create a very diverse recording. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover darkness, life, death and sorrow themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Shores Of Null and if you are a fan of melodic black, death, doom and gothic metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Destination Woe" "Nothing Left To Burn" "My Darkest Years" and "Underwater Oddity". 8 out of 10.
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