Showing posts with label blackened industrial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blackened industrial. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Nightshade/Wired/2025 Re-Mastered EP Review


  Nightshade  are  a  band  from  Switzerland  that  has  been  featured  before  in  this  zine  and  plays  a  blackened  form  of  industrial  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2003  ep  "Wired"  which  wil  be  re-issued  as  a  re-mastered  version  in  March,  2025.

  A  very  hard  and  heavy  sound  starts  off  the  ep  while  also  mixing  in  elements  of  industrial  along  with  some  synths.  Vocals  are  mostly  blackened  metal  screams  mixed  in  with  a  few  shouts  as  well  as  the  riffs  also  adding  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody  and  all  of  the  drum  beats  are  also  programmed.

  Spoken  words  can  also  be  heard  in  certain  sections  of  the  songs  while  the  solos  and  leads  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style.  All  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  most  of  the  tracks  stick  to  a  mid  tempo  direction.

  On  this  recording  Nightshade  went  for  more  of  a  mid  tempo  style  of  blackened  industrial  metal.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  insanity  and  war  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  was  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Nightshade  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  blackened  industrial  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  re-mastered  version.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUD E "Among  The  Breed"  and  "Inside  Of  You".  8  out  of  10.    

Saturday, November 30, 2024

PreEmptive Strike 0.1/Pause In Chaos/Stop The Madness/Infacted Recordings/2024 Single Review


  Greece's  PreEmptive  Strike  0.1  have  returned  with  a  new  recording  which  shows  the  music  going  for  a  harsh  electro/industrial  style  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2024  single  "Pause  In  Chaos/Stop  The  Madness"  which  was  released  by  Infacted  Recordings.

  Riot  sounds  start  off  the  single  along  with  some  industrial  style  screams  a  few  seconds  later  which  also  takes  the  music  into  more  of  a  EBM  direction.  Programmed  beats  are  also  utilized  quite  a  bit  throughout  the  recording  while  the  songs  also  mix  in  a  lot  of  keyboards,  robotic  vocals  can  also  be  heard  at  times.

  Spoken  word  samples  can  also  be  heard  quite  a  nit  throughout  the  recording while  they  also  bring  in  3  re-mix  versions  of  the  same  time  which  also  brings  in  a  different  approach  each  time.  The  second  song  beings  in  more  of  an  old  school  EBM  style  and  the  re-mixes  bring  in  more  of  a  harsh  approach.

 On  this  single  PReEmptive  Strike  0.1  continue  returning  to  their  harsh  electro/industrial  style  as  well  as  staying  away  from  the  more  metal  influenced  style  of  recent  material.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  while  the  lyrics  cover  chaos,  violence  and  war  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  PreEmptive  Strike  0.1  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  harsh  electro-industrial,  you  should  check  out  this  single.  8  out  of  10.  

Monday, November 11, 2024

King Satan/The Devil's Evangelion/Noble Demon/2024 Full Length Review


  Finland's  solo  project  King  Satan  has  returned  with  a  new  recording  which  shows  the  music  going  for  a  symphonic  mixture  of  black,  death  and  industrial  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  2024  album  "The  Devil's  Evangelion"  which  was  released  by  Noble  Demon.

  Industrial  style  beats  and  symphonic  sounding  keyboards  start  off  the  album  and  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs.  Vocals  are  a  mixture  angry  black  metal  screams  and  death  metal  growls  mixed  in  with  some  angry  shouts  and  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  add  in  a  great  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats.

  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  one  song  also  introduces  female  vocals  onto  the  album.  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  along  with  some  spoken  word  samples  also  being  used  briefly,  all  of  the  musical  instruments  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  one  song  also  adds  in  a  small  amount  of  clean  male  vocals  as  well  as  some  clean  playing  also  being  added  towards  the  end.

  On  this  recording  King  Satan  continues  to  expand  on  his  mixture  of  symphonic  black,  death  and  industrial  metal  from  his  previous  releases.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Satanism,  Occultism,  Philosophy  and  Dark  Humour  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  King  Satan  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  symphonic  black,  death  and  industrial  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "New  Aeon  Gospel'  "Once  Upon  A  Shadow"  "The  Devils  And  Saints"  and  "The  Devil's  Evangelion".  8  out  of  10. 


Monday, June 3, 2024

Against I Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new ep?

Of course I can! We've been going on non stop on finishing up the new album dropping later this year. Now we are just taking

a breather before going back at music again. No rest for the wicked!

2.In May you had released a new ep, musically how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?

Oh its like night and day, ok maybe not but it sure is different. The old stuff focused more on electronic music with metal elements.

But we decided that it wasn't what we wanted to do, so we just changed focus and style.

3.All of the band members are also involved with other bands, what is it that you bring into the music of 'Against I' that you have not been able to do with your other groups?

Yes, we all come from different bands and different styles of music and decided that it would be fun to take all those elements and fuse them into one band more or less. But as said before , we had one style in mind first but decided to change into something else entirely.

4.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music and also how would you describe your progress as songwriters over the years?

The lyrics went from self hate, cynicism to more about war,death and similar themes. There's a lot of darkness in them you could say. Well , we work a bit differently to maybe other bands. Usually I (Freddie) make the base of the tracks with drums,electronic parts etc, then  I send it off to Mathias and he records bass and guitar and then he sends it back to me and I send it to Anders for drums. It might sound a bit complicated maybe? But it works so well and its so smooth.

5.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Against I'?

Against I is basically how I (Freddie) feel , it's me against myself. Thats why the early lyrics were written about a lot of my self hate. Depression is a pain and it feels like my brain works against me from time to time.

6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the ep cover?

The artwork depicts what the EP is about , which is war. I think its perfectly shows off just that . A nuclear bomb going out in the center of a city. In this case a future city , but none the less. It feels more real than ever.

7.What are some of the best shows that the band has played so far and also how would you describe your stage performance?

Haha well sadly we have only played one show so far. Out main focus has been music. But we are trying to change that now.

8.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?

As of right now we have nothing sadly, but we are working on it . So hopefully in a near future

9.The new ep was released on 'Twisted Flesh Recordings', can you tell us a little bit more about this label?

To be real honest with you, Twisted Flesh Recordings is my own label which I release all my own stuff on.

Sometimes its just easier to have a label in your back when release stuff , you know? But we actually have a label for

releasing our physical CDs which is called Advoxya Records. It's a Hungarian label I've(Freddie) worked with for years.

Dima who runs it is super supporitive and lets us do as we please.

10.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of underground metal?

It's been very positive I think, at least from the people and zines who have said anything.

Our plays have "exploded" compared to what they were before. Maybe people can actually tell we enjoy what we do?

11.What is going on with some of the other bands or musical projects these days that some of the band members are a part of?

I don't think that any of the other projects are super active tbh. Mathias plays bas for Reek from time to time and Anders plays drums in a nu metal band called Porq. Otherwise I think we've all been too busy with Against I.

12.When can we expect a full length and also where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

Oh sooner than you think! Later this year for sure! Where we are going is hard to tell, we will see. I think there might be a little less synthesizers in the new stuff or at least a different sound on them.


13.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are currently listening to nowadays?

We are very diverse, but right now we are listening to the new Pain, Rotting Christ and Nekrodawn

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Thank you for having us and hope you're looking forward to the new album!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Against I/Destruction Lullaby/Twisted Flesh Recordings/2024 EP Review


  Against  I  are  a  band  from  Sweden  that  plays  a  very  melodic  and  blackened  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2024  ep  "Destruction  Lullaby"  which  was  released  by  Twisted  Flesh  Recordings.

  Melodic  guitar  solos  and  leads  start  off  the  ep  along  with  some  synths  being  added  into  the  music  at  times.  Vocals  are  mostly  angry  sounding  black  metal  screams  while  death  metal  growls  can  also  be  heard  at  times   while  the  riffs  also  add  in  a  great  amount  of  melody  and  blast  beats  are  also  added  into  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs.

  Some  of  the  songs  also  add  in    a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  the  music  is  also  very  heavily  rooted  in  the  Swedish  tradition  mixed  in  with  some  modern  touches,  electronic  beats  can  also  be  heard  on  a  few  tracks  which  also  adds  in  elements  of  industrial  rock  and  ebm.

  Against  I  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  a very  melodic  and  blackened  form  of  death  metal  and  mixes  it  with  electronic  music  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Against  I  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  melodic  blackened  death  metal  and  electronic  music  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Dark  Define"  "Death  Defined"  and  "Destruction  Lullaby".  8  out  of  10. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Haunted Plasma/I/Svart Records/2024 Full Length Review


   Haunted  Plasma  are  a  band  from  Finland  that  plays  a  psychedelic  form  of  black  metal  with  elements  of  techno  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2024  album  "I"  which  will  be  released  in  May  by  Svart  Records.

  Sci-fi  orientated  synths  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  clean  playing  a  few  seconds  later  before  adding  in  some  spoken  word  parts.  Touches  of  techno  and  krautrock  can  also  be  heard  at  times  and  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  while  most  of  the  tracks  are  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length  

  Clear  singing  can  also  be  heard  quite  a  bit  throughout  the  album  while  the  songs  also  add  in  a  great  amount  of  programmed  beats.  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  dark  yet  melodic  style  along  with  the  music  also  having  its  psychedelic  moments  and  mixing  in  the  heaviness  of  black  metal,  clean  playing,  harsh  screams  and  noises  can  also  be  heard  briefly.

  Haunted  Plasma  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  techno,  krautrock,  noise  and  psychedelic  black  metal  and  mixes  them  together  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  the  writings  of  William  Gibson  and  Phillip  K.  Dick.

  In  my  opinion  Haunted  Plasma  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  techno,  krautrock,  noise  and  psychedelic  black  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Reverse  Engineer"  and  "Echoes". 8  out  of  10.        


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Eyriahrk Nunshkar Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the solo project?

The solo project, in fact, has existed since 2014, but it was under a different name, A.M Ferrari Fradejas, and the music was very different, and considerably changed over the last four years. It became clearer when I released the previous EP, "Shiarkha," in 2022. It happened very spontaneously, over a guitar gifted to me on my birthday two years ago, my main instruments to write music for over thirty five years were the piano and keyboard. Why I didn't play guitar before is another story to tell, but when I plugged this one in, two months after the EP Shiarkha was released.

2.You released an ep in February, musically how does it differ from your previous release?  

Under this project, it already differs from its predecessor, Shiarkha, which was much rawer, possibly less structured, and probably less colourful, and an only-one-flavour EP. The Eyriahrk Nunshkar EP incorporates more elements of all the music I have created over the years. In some ways, it feels like working on a puzzle, though I only noticed it after making this EP; I didn't think about it while making it. It more dramatically differs from the music I released under my previous name, which was a blend of progressive rock, psychedelic rock, contemporary, neofolk, and avant-pop, even soul. I'm not great with labels and am not keen on them, but I understand their use.

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects you have explored so far with the music?  

Until 2019, I drew inspiration from various things, such as cinema, which is also important to me, a painting, a movie, someone I met in the street or something I witnessed, and personal experiences too. I didn't talk about a release in 2021, though now I feel like it belongs to this project. I considered it to be a bit of a side project at the time. I actually wanted to distance myself from it because it was a gift for the dead or the departed. I released my first experimental short movie, which accompanied an album of mantras and rituals; the making of it was a ritual in itself. I had given myself a bit more than a month to get it ready for October 31st, 2021. I was reading a lot on the importance of the work of psychopomps (guides of souls who escort deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife), which, regardless of one's belief system or non-belief, is very much needed in our world. If we don't want to call it a soul, call it energy or memory, and we don't want it trapped here. The idea was to recreate this ritual or process in music and visuals; it came to me while I was walking in one of my favorite spots, a beautiful graveyard with a view of the sea, and so, when it happened, I had very little time to get it ready. The intertwined idea is that any sales from this release are sent to charities supporting bereavement after suicide and suicide prevention. Shiarkha, which was released in 2022, is the name of an owl I encountered during an inner journey, or shamanic journey. So far, the inspiration for this project has been drawn from journeying, channelling, or whatever you may call it. We all have a different understanding, and this is one of my understandings.

4.On the ep you also written your lyrics in 3 different languages, can you tell us a little bit more about the languages you used in your songwriting?

One of the languages is an improvised one; some people call it glossolalia, or speaking tongues. I admire those who know in their hearts what they say or what is happening to them. I have an amazing friend who speaks a light language; I don't have that confidence; I just don't know; our brain works in mysterious ways; and while there are also unseen realms that we don't know about, well, I don't. I have an understanding, but that doesn't mean that I know. However, I am working consciously on the intention and the energy I put into the work I do because, regardless of whether my music reaches two ears or more, as musicians, but not only, also as human beings, we have a duty and a responsibility to choose what energy and what message we want to convey. Regarding the languages themselves, I've always been fascinated by their sounds, dialects, and words, and as a child, I loved to sing in made-up languages. My music partner and husband, Santiago, and I have also developed some sort of dialect over the last thirteen years we have been together. Anyway, I am far from being the first to make up languages; we had Magma, Tolkien, and the Cocteau Twins, to name a few. In the creative process of this EP, other lyrics came to me in French and in English, which are the two main languages that I speak. My Spanish is not fluent, though I used some in my previous EP, "Shiarkha." The Māori bit happened when I researched sentences and words that depict the silver cord, the silver cord linking the astral form to the physical body during astral projection or out-of-body experience. I found some Māori words that I loved and used, and probably the translation wouldn't be accurate, but I love the sound of "Taura Hiriwa," for example, and so I used it.  

5.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Eyriahrk Nunshkar'?  

Another made-up word became a name. In fact, it was only the title of the second track of the EP at first, and when I finished the EP, it felt natural and logical that the solo project should be renamed, and that was going to be the new project name or pseudonym.

6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the ep cover?

It was a picture taken on a very very windy day. I am very blessed to be living by the sea, and I was messing around like a 5-year-old trapped in a 49-year-old body, taking pictures of my hair in the wind. One shot was of the hair covering my eyes. I posted the picture, and someone said, "It should be an album art cover." This was before I even started working on the last EP. Now the EP art cover looks nothing like the original picture because I did some work on it, but once I finished the artwork, I realised it was an eye curtain made of hair. In some shamanic cultures, such as in Siberia, for example, one of the purposes of the eye curtains is to hide their eyes from ordinary people when they merge with their spirit helpers and also to act as a screen in order to help them go into trance. It also helps with journeying and helps to reach and maintain a specific altered state of consciousness, which makes sense in this context.

7.With this project you record everything by yourself, are you open to working with other musicians or do you prefer to work solo?  

I feel very lucky to have been collaborating with many musicians and artists. I am still collaborating with other musicians at this time. It's not that I prefer to work solo; there are just different experiences. When I work solo, I am in a different realm, and the creative process is different as well. It's a bit like being in a dream state, and when I finish a recording, I don't remember the whole process. I am not trying to be mysterious or cryptic; it's just how I experience it. I also work very fast when I am alone—not that I am better than anyone; it's just that there is a stream of information that passes through me, and it's fast when it happens. I have to follow and materialise as it happens. In fact, it is anxiety-inducing for me, and I get impatient, though as I am growing older, I am dealing much better with it, and I am much more disciplined about it these days. When I work in collaboration, I am much more aware, and it's the work and energy of the people I work with that fuel me. I am always open to working with other musicians, not only for the experience of sharing but also for the opportunity of learning and growing as a musician. In the context of Eyriahrk Nunshkar, I don't know where this is going; I am experiencing and experimenting.

8.You also release your own music on your own label, are you open to working with other labels?  

Yes, I actually contacted two record labels already because I really like the artists they are working with. For years, I didn't want to be signed, mainly due to bad past experiences, but I am not against it today.

9.On  a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of experimental and extreme metal?

I have been quite under the radar since working as a solo artist, and I would say even more with this project. But the few pieces of feedback I received have been very positive, which I am grateful for.

10.Can you tell us a little bit more about your other musical projects?  

Current or past ones? I collaborated with many people, but currently I have a joint project, and since we're not revealing our identities for the time being, I won't say more on this one. We have already released an EP, and we are planning some new material. There is also the Fradejas & Fradejas duo with Santiago Fradejas, my music partner and husband; we released one free-form experimental EP and another free-form experimental album during COVID called OUM. We released our last EP in 2022 called "Los Nueve Buhos," which is more song-oriented but is a bonkers blend of old-fashioned crooning, extreme metal, and cowboy music with lyrics made up of the mixed-up language we created over the years. Some of our sources of inspiration were drawn by the White family of West Virginia, and other sources are beings from other alternative realms who we have given life to. I also collaborated more closely on Layma Azur's albums "Zeii" and "The Lower Sky.". Layma Azur is a rock-in-opposition, prog rock project founded in Buenos Aires by Santiago in 2005. Other recent collaborations include some vocal arrangements for Jeff Eacho, a great musician and friend, and vocal arrangements for Tribes of Medusa alongside the musicians, songwriters, and vocalists Valenteen and Evi Vine, also all dear friends. I collaborated with the production, arrangements, and backing vocals on a song called "The Legacy," written by a musician and friend, Tannith Storm, which we released last year. Past and current collaborations as a guest vocalist include the UK-based Goth crossover band The Eden House between 2009 and 2011, Sand Snowman, who is an amazing artist and musician that creates very unique music, a blend of experimental psychedelic prog folk, and also the equally amazing, unique, and talented Phi-Yaan-Zek.

11.When can we expect a full length and also where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?  

As to when there will be a full-length album, I have no idea at this time, but then I said that last summer, and I released an EP last February, so who knows? I have written a lot of music over the years. I also attempted on a few occasions to put a set together and play live, but what happened instead while rehearsing were new songs, albums, and EPs, and it's not like I had an audience waiting for me to play anyway. Where do I see myself heading as a musician in the future? Well, if all goes well, I will turn 50 next year. Over the last few years, I have lost friends, some younger than me. I live in the present more than ever! I am alive now, my husband is alive, and so are some of my loved ones, and that has become the most important thing in these times of uncertainty. I am just grateful for what I have, for the luxury of being able to create at home, and for the luxury of not compromising what I do. I live with the consequences of it, which might be that I am not able to make a living from what I do. The younger me would be frustrated and filled with feelings of unfairness. Luckily, I am older and taking on my responsibilities, and I am also admiring the fresh blood taking over! The metal and avant-garde fields are crowded, and the music field is also full of young, amazing musicians. I hear people saying, "Music is not as good as it used to be." I respectfully disagree; it's just that we have to search for it in this internet ocean. There are many fantastic artists and musicians under the radar who took the teachings from their ancestors and took it to the next level with better technique and craft in creating hybrids. If I can reach an audience and have the health to keep creating and maybe playing live again, if I can overcome my anxiety, but I would if the opportunity happened, then great! I would love to. I have amazing musician friends, and we spoke about creating our own network and scene and collaborating. I would love that, but if it doesn't happen, I am at peace with it and will enjoy and honour what I have, prioritise my loved ones, and see how I can be of better service to others.

12.What are some of the bands or musical styles you are currently listening to nowadays?  

I wish I had more time; there is so much music to listen to and discover. At the moment, I try to make time to listen to what my friends release on Bandcamp. I listen to Zeresh, a one female band with a very unique tone, sound and atmosphere. I also listen to Kate Arnold, who does electro-mediaeval loopery on hammered dulcimer, violin, and vocals, also unique and beautiful. I try as well to make time to listen to new artists or artists I don't know on Bandcamp, YouTube, etc. I am listening to this fabulous artist called Kakushin Nishihara, a performer of a traditional instrument, the Satsuma Biwa (a five-stringed Japanese lute). She blends that with noise and experimental music. When I can make time to listen to more music, because life can get in the way, there will be Thantifaxath, Tom Yorke. A few days ago, I was introduced to Oranssi Pazuzu, and I loved it. I know they have been around for some time, but I didn't know them. Last week I listened to the last Sleepytime Gorilla Museum album, and as I expected from them, it was mind-blowing! I listen to black metal, death metal, contemporary classical, avant-garde, British 80's new wave, punk, pop, traditional folk music from various countries, fusion, grunge, electro, trance, goth, soul, industrial and the list goes on.

13.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?  

Yes, thank you so very much for inviting me to this interview and for giving musicians and artists exposure and the opportunity to express themselves.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Eyriahrk Nunshkar/Self Titled/2024 EP Review


  Eyriahrk  Nunshkar  are  a  solo  project  from  the  United  Kingdom  that  plays  an  avant  garde,  experimental,  progressive  and  melodic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  self  titled  and  self  released  2024  ep.

  A  very  dark  yet  heavy  sound  starts  off  the  ep  while  the  clear  singing  also  gives  the  music  more  of  an  avant  garde  feeling.  Vocals  are  a  mixture  of  black  metal  screams  and  death  metal  growls  while  elements  of  doom  metal  can  be  heard  in  the  slower  sections  of  the  songs  and  a  couple  of  tracks  are  also  long  and  epic  in  length.

  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  while  the  clean  sections  also takes  the  music  into  more  of  a  progressive  direction.  At  times  the  recording  also  gets  very  experimental  sounding  along  with  some  synths  also  being  utilized  on  a  couple  of  tracks.

O)one  song  also  adds  in  some  spoken  word  parts  and  whispers  as  well as  the  music   also  adding  in some  industrial,  drone  and  ritualistic  touches  and  on  the  closing  track  a  brief  use  of  fast  tremolo  picking  and  blast b eats  can  also  be  heard.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  and  heavy  while  the  lyrics  are  written  in  a  mixture  of  English,  French  and  Maori  and  cover  the  human  psyche.     

  In  my  opinion  Eyriahrk  Nunshkar  are  a  very  great  sounding  avant  garde,  progressive,  experimental  and  melodic  mixture  of  black,  doom  and  death  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  solo  project.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Oblivious  Etymology"  and  "Taura  Hiriwa".  8  out  of  10.  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Cruxis Interview


 1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the musical project?

Since we’re new, I don’t think many people have heard of us. We are two, the Dok-tor and myself. He makes the music and I sing the words. 

2.You have your first album coming out towards the end of January, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?

The Dok-tor is responsible for all the music here, but I think it’s safe to say he wasn’t trying to emulate someone else’s sound when recording these songs. I’m sure some of the genres and bands we’re both fond of had some influence on the sound. There’s some crust punk, some industrial, a bit of black metal, even some post-punk and deathrock. In the end, though, I think it sounds like itself more than a patchwork of bands and genres either of us enjoy.  

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored so far with the music?

Some are more abstract impressions and representations of a place, a time, ideas. Lyric writing, all of music making, is a bit like Debord’s dérive in that it requires some disorientation or, like Breton said, psychic automatism. Fāl-gūsh came out of overheard, misheard conversations. Fāl-gūsh is a type of divination usually associated with young girls. You would stand in a dark corner or concealed spot behind a fence, maybe a garden wall, and listen to the conversations of passers-by. The words you hear, the subjects being discussed, would provide answers to your questions. 

Unquiet, the last song on our album, was also the last song I wrote words for and sang. I had been talking with a couple friends who have family in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine about the ongoing destruction happening there. About how their family’s homes were destroyed or had been seized decades ago, about what the long history of colonialism and efforts to demoralize and oppress the people there have done to them, their family and friends in Palestine. About what living with colonialism and racist oppression does to you, both personally and how it reveals power to be the inherently abusive, extractive, violent force it is. Though lyrically as abstract as anything else I write, Unquiet is fiercely anticolonial, antifascist, and an oppositional force to all forms of oppression.

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Cruxis'?

There’s a constellation called Crux, or Crucis, the Southern Cross. The brightest star in Crux is Acrux, the 13th brightest star in the night sky. You could think of Cruxis as drawn from those stellar names.

5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

That’s the Dok-tor again. I’ll say that, as in our sound, there’s a confluence of influences. Let’s call it a lo-fi, diy, analog, photocopied zine aesthetic combined with an enigmatic mysticism. 

6.Currently there are only 2 members in the band, are you open to expanding the line up or do you prefer to remain a duo?

I can’t really imagine we’d need to add more people. It worked well like this and if we do it again, we already have everything covered between us.

7.Are there any plans for live shows in the future or is this strictly a studio project?

There’s an ocean in the way of live shows.

8.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of extreme and underground musical styles?

Since we’re quite new, and I’m answering these questions before our album is out, we haven’t really gotten a lot of reaction yet. The messages I’ve received from people who have heard it so far have been positive, which is nice. I know we’re both really happy with what we did here and hope that when it’s more widely available that other people will enjoy it, too.

9.What is going on with some of the other bands or musical projects these days that some of the band members are a part of?

The Dok-tor is always making new music, which you’ll hear in time whether you realize it or not.  

I have a new project, Deep Fade, which is a sort of noisy, blackened pastoral industrial experiment. The first album will be out in late February, and, like Cruxis, will be on Fiadh Production. Then I have several other things coming, more Deep Fade, a few new collaborations with old friends, a final album from my old project, The Floating World. I’m sure there will be more as the year wears on.

10.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

I think it’ll go where it goes, there isn’t a definitive plan for it. It’s easier to make music when it happens because there’s something you want to hear that you aren’t hearing, maybe don’t even realize that’s what you’re creating when you start, but as you get into it what you create coheres around some idea that becomes central through the act of making songs. The map draws itself as you go.

11.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and what are you listening to nowadays?

I can, again, only speak for myself here, but some of it I’m sure overlaps with the Dok-tor. Over the years, I’ve listened to a lot of Killing Joke, Godflesh and Godflesh-y industrial-esque stuff, Amebix and Rudimentary Peni (I’m finally reading Nick Blinko’s Primal Screamer right now), some black metal, some post-punk, deathrock. Of course, then there are artists like Anita Lane, who has always been a huge influence of mine. Her uneven and wavering, haunted singing hovers around the edges of anything I do. Rowland Howard had a gorgeous shimmer, too.

Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of JK Flesh, another Justin Broadrick project. He had an album out this past fall, NO EXIT, which is incredible and disorienting and I’m still hearing new things in it. Same for Darkthrone’s Eternal Hails, which passed me by when it came out a coupe years ago, but got drawn in by Fenriz’s description of it as “heavy like a dinosaur.”

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Cruxis/Self Titled/Fiadh Productions/2024 EP Review


  Cruxis  are  a  duo  from  Providence,  Rhode  Island  that  plays  a  mixture  of  black,  sludge  metal,  crust  punk,  deathrock  and  industrial  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  self  titled  2024  ep  which  will  be  released  on  January  26th  by  Fiadh  Productions.

  A  very  dark  yet  heavy  sound  starts  off  the  ep  while  the  mid  tempo  sections  mix  in  touches  of  deathrock.  Clear  vocals  can  also  be  heard  at  times  while  the  slower  parts  of  the  songs  also  show  an  influence  of  sludge  metal  and  the  mid  tempo  sections  of  the  recording  are  heavily  rooted  in c rust  punk  and  d  beat.

  Melodies  are  also added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  while  the  solos  and  leads  are  also  done  in  a  very  dark  yet  melodic  style.  Black  metal  elements  can  also  be  heard  briefly  along  with  some  of  the  drum  beats  also  adding  in  a  touch  of  industrial  as  well  as  one  song  also  adding  in a  brief  use  of  clean  playing  and  most  of t he  ep  sticks  to  either  a  slow  or  mid  tempo  direction.

  Cruxis  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  black,  sludge  metal,  crust  punk,  deathrock  and  industrial  and  mixes  them  together  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  and  heavy  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark  and  mysterious  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Cruxis  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  black,  sludge  metal,  crust  punk,  deathrock  and  industrial  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  duo.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Ruby  Throat"  and  "Unquiet".  8  out  of  10.




Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tele.S.Therion/Black Paintings XII - XV/Radical Matters/2020 Full Length Review


  This  is  a  review  of  another  recording  from  Italy's  Tele.S.Therion  which  is  also  done  in  a  'acousmatic  black  metal'  style  and  the  album  was  originally  recorded  in  2011  and  released  in  2020  and  called  "Black  Paintings  XII  -  XV"  which  was  released  by  Radical  Matters. 

  Dark  soundscapes  and  drones  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  noises  a  few  seconds  later  while  the  music  also  gets  very  experimental  and  avant  garde  sounding  at  times.  Elements  of  underground  industrial  can  also  be  heard  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  most  of  the  album  sticks  to  an  instrumental  direction. 

  All  of  the  songs  also  sound  very  different  from  each  other  while  most  of  the  tracks  are  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length.  Most  of  the  music  is  also  improvised  along  with  some  power  electronic  sounds  also  being  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  recording  which  also  takes  the  music  into  a  harsher  direction  and  when  bass  guitars  are introduced  on  the  album  they  also  add  in  the  heaviness  of  black  and  doom  metal  as  well  as  some  touches  of  ambient  also  being  mixed  in  at  times.

  On  this  recording  Tele.S.Therion  focused  more  on  an  experimental  noise  direction  with  some  touches  of  black  and  doom  metal  as  well  as  keeping  everything  instrumental  while  the  production  sounds  very  dark.

  In  my  opinion  this  was  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Tele.S.Therion  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  experimental,  noise,  black  and  doom  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "XIII"  and  "XV".  8  out  of  10.    

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Espi Kvlt/Vampyre Trap/Syrup Moose Records/2023 Full Length Review


   Espi  Kvlt  are  a  solo  project  from  the  United  States  that  has  had  music  reviewed  before  in  this  zine  and  on  this  recording  goes  for  more  of  a  blackened  style  of  tap  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  2023  album  "Vampyre  Trap"  which  will  be  released  on  December  29th  by  Syrup  Moose  Records.

  Ambient  style  keyboards  start  off  the  album  and  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  at  times. Some  of  the  programmed  beats  also  added  into  elements  of  industrial  and  trap  while  the  vocals  are  done  mostly  in  a  grim  black  metal  style  and  some  of  the  beats  also  add  in  touches  of  hip  hop.

  Whispers  are  also  added  on  some  of  the  tracks  while  one  song  also  adds  in  a  brief  use  of  Asian  style  instruments  and  female  vocals  which  also  return  on  a  later  track  which  also  give  the  recording  more  of  an  ethnic  touch.  Electric  guitars  can  also  be  heard  on  a  few  songs  as  well  as  adding  in  a  small  amount  of  melody  along  with  one  song  also  introducing  clean  playing  onto  the  recording  and  most  of  the  music  sticks  to  a  mid  tempo  direction.

  On  this  recording  Espi  Kvlt  takes  black  metal  and  trap  music  and  mixes  them  together  to  create  something  very  different  sounding.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  while  the  lyrics  cover  vampirism,  sadism  and  darkness  themes.    

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Espi  Kvlt  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  black  metal  and  trap  music,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUD E "Gentle  Pornography"  "Vampyre  Trap"  "If  It  Bleeds"  and  "Villian".  8  out  of  10.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

PreEmptive Strike 0.1/Defence Readiness/Infacted Recordings/2023 Full length Review


  Greece's  PreEmptive  Strike  0.1  has  returned  with  a  new  recording  which  shows  them  moving  away  from  the  black  metal  elements  of  previous  releases  and  going  back  to  more  of  a  harsh  electro-industrial  direction  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2023  album  "Defence  Readiness"  which  was  released  by  Infacted  Recordings.

  Rain  and  thunder  sounds  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  spoken  word  parts  and  synths  a  few  seconds  later  before  adding  in  some  industrial  style  beats.  A  lot  of  the  music  brings  back  some  of  the  80's  90's  era  era  Wax  Trax  style  while  the  vocals  are  mostly  harsh  sounding  screams  a nd  female  vocals  can  also  be  heard  at  times.  

  All  of  the  drum  beats  are  programmed  while  the  songs  also  bring  in  elements  of  synth  pop  and  edm.  Samples  are  also  added  on  some  of  the  tracks  along  with  the  album  also  adding  in  a  sci-fi orientated  atmosphere  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  they  also  bring  in  a  cover  of  Manowar's  "Thor  The  powerhead".

  On  this  recording  PreEmptive  Strike 0.1  focuses  more  on  a  harsh  electro-industrial  sound  and  moves  way  from  the  metal  elements  of  previous  releases.  The  production  sounds  very  old  school  while  the  lyrics  cover  darkness,  violence,  war   and  philosophical  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  PreEmptive  Strike  0.1  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  harsh  electro-industrial,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Ressurective  Hunger"  "The  Base  Was  Overrun"  "State  Of  War"  adn  "Stellar  Castaway".  8  out  of  10.           

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Uranium/Pure Nuclear Death/Sentient Ruin Laboratories/2023 Full Length Review


  Uranium  are  a  solo  project  from  Pennsylvania  that  has  had  music  reviewed  before  in  this  zine  and  on  this  recording  plays  blackened  form  of  industrial  with  elements  of  harsh  noise  and  death  industrial  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  2023  album  "Pure  Nuclear  Death"  which  will b e  released  in  October  by  Sentient  Ruin  Laboratories.

  Death  industrial  style  soundscapes  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  distorted  yet  heavy  riffing  a  few  seconds  later.  When t he  music  speeds  up  a  decent  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats  can  be  heard  while  the  vocals  are  mostly  grim  sounding  black  metal  screams  and  all  of  the  tracks a re  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length.

  Growls  can  also  be  heard  at  times  while  all  of  the  drum  beats  are  also  programmed  while  the  songs  also  add  in  a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts.  Dark  sounding  melodies  are  also  added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  along  with  the  songs  also  mixing  in  a  lot  of  power  electronics  and  harsh  noises,  spoken  word  samples  are  also  utilized  on  a  few  tracks  and  all  of  the  musical  instruments  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  as  well  as  some  synths  also  being  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  recording.

  On  this  album  Uranium  remains  true  to  the  mixture  of  black  emtal,  death  industrial  and  harsh  noise  that  he  had  established  on  his  previous  release.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  while  the  lyrics  cover  science,  ethical  literature  and  philosophy  theme.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Uranium  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  blackened  industrial,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Absolute  Terror"  and  "Black  Night  Satellite".  8  out  of  10.



Saturday, September 2, 2023

Ash Prison/Future Torn/Sentient Ruin Laboratories/2023 Full Length Review


  Ash  Prison  are  a  band  from  the  United  States  that  plays  a  mixture  of  black  metal,  dark  hardcore  punk  and  heavy  industrial  electronics  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2022  album  "Future  Torn"  which  will b e  released  on  September  22nd  by  Sentient  Ruin  Laboratories.

  Industrial  style  beats  and  power  electronics  start  off  the  album  and  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  at  times.  Vocals  are  mostly  grim  yet  high  pitched  sounding  black  metal  screams  along  with  some  death  metal  growls  also  being  utilized  at  times  and  some  tracks  also  add  in  a  small  amount  of  synths  and  spoken  word  parts.

  Most  of  the  drum  beats  are  also  programmed  while  all  of  the  musical  instruments  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them.  Whispers  can  also  be  heard  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording   along  wit h the  songs  also  bringing  in  a  decent  amount  of  hardcore  punk  elements,  when  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  and  most  of  the  recording  sticks  to  a  mid  tempo  direction. 

  Ah  prison  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  black  metal,  hardcore  punk,  power  electronics  and  industrial  and  mixes  them  together  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  and  heavy  while  the  lyrics  cover  dystopian  society,  anarchy  and  chaos  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Ash  prison a re  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of black  metal,  dark  hardcore  punk  and  heavy  industrial  electronics  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Archangel"  "No  Return"  "Collapse"  and  "Weep  in  my  Shadow".  8 out  of  10.


Monday, July 3, 2023

Hiverlucide/Spaceseer/ Φ​α​λ​α​ι​ν​ο​μ​α​ν​ι​τ​ά​ρ​ι/Syrup Moose Records/2023 Collaboration Album Review


  This  is  a  review  of  a  collaboration  album  between  France's  Hiverlucide  and  U.S.A's  solo  project  Spaceseer  which  shows  the  music  going  for  a  mixture  of  black  metal,  doom  synth,  experimental,  industrial,  noise  and  dark  ambient  and  the  album  will  be  released  on  July  21st  by  Syrup  Moose  records  and  called  "Φ​α​λ​α​ι​ν​ο​μ​α​ν​ι​τ​ά​ρ​ι".

  Dark  ambient  soundscapes  and  drones  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  guitar  sounds  a  few  seconds  later  that  also  bring  in  the  heaviness  of  black  and  doom  metal.  At  times  the  music  also  gets  very  experimental  sounding  while  both  of  the  tracks  are  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length  and  the  whole  recording  is  also  improvised.

  Harsh  noises  and  power  electronics  are  also  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  album  while  the  synths  also  add  in  touches  of  dungeon  synth  when  they  are  utilized.  Both  of  the  tracks  also  sound  very  different  from  each  other  along  with  the  second  song  also  mixing  in  the  more  underground  side  of  industrial  and  black  metal  screams  are  also  utilized  briefly  towards  the  end.

  Hiverlucide  and  Spaceseer  team  up  together  and  mix  their  2  different  styles  together  which  results  in  an  album t hat  mixes  black,  doom  metal,  noise,  industrial,  drone,  experimental,  dark  ambient  and  dungeon  synth  as  well  as  keeping  most  of t he  music  instrumental  while  the  production  sounds  very  dark.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  a  very  great  sounding  collaboration  between  Hiverlucide  and  Spaceseer  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  black  metal,  doom  synth,  industrial,  noise  and  dark  ambient,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACK  "Slowly  Collecting  Substrate  For  The  Hericium  Whale".  8  out  of  10.    


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sidirial/The Slumbering/Necrotic Records/2022 Album Re-Issue Review


  Sidirial  are  a  band  from  St.  Louis,  Missouri  that  plays  an  industrial  from  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2020  album  "The  Slumbering"  which  was  re-issued  in  2022  by  Necrotic  Records.

  A  very  epic  sounding  intro  starts  off  the  album  while  also  introducing  synths  into  the  music  which  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  at  times.  Spoken  word  parts  can  also b e  heard  briefly  along  with  the  music  also  adding  in  a  great  amount  of  industrial  elements  and  the  vocals  are  mostly  grim  black  metal  screams.

  Most  of  the  tracks  are  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length  while  the  riffs  also  add  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody.  Growls  can  also  be  heard  at  times  along  with  all  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  also  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  when  the  music  speeds  up  a  small  amount  of  blast b eats  can  also  be  heard


   Melodies  are  also  added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  along  with  one  song  also  introducing  spoken  word  parts  and  clear  vocals  into  the  music  as  well  as  the  guitar  leads  also  being  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  when  they  are  utilized,  one  of  the  tracks  is  also  an  instrumental.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  are  based  upon  H.P  Lovecraft's  cosmic  hyper-dimensional  creatures  and  each  track  also  covers  a  different  entity.

  In  my  opinion  Sidirial  are  a  very  great  sounding  industrial  black  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Children  Of  The  Deep"  "Madness  Divine"  and  "Great  Demise".  8  out  of  10.