Friday, June 21, 2024

Demande à la Poussière Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new album?

Vince : Well, we’ve been on tour over a week in France just after the release of the album. It was great to meet the public and play new songs from Kintsugi. After a year of work on the recording without gigs we were really looking forward to playing live again. 

2.Recently you have released a new album, musically, how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?

Vince : In my opinion, Kintsugi is less dark compared to the previous album. Maybe more doomy and sludgy I would say, that reminds me a bit of the first Demande A La Poussière, but we are still in the crossroads of different music genres. The main difference is the vocals done by Simon, our new singer, who brings something new for Demande A La Poussière. 

3.Can you tell us a little bit more about the lyrics that are present on the new album and also how would you describe your progress as songwriters over the years?

Simon: the lyrics are mainly about negative feelings from start to finish. The overall theme is about rebuilding yourself after having been destroyed by life itself, which can be viewed as optimistic, but every song is about all the excruciating mental pain you have to go through. Pain of loss, frustration, despair, … Neil wrote half of the songs, and I wrote the other half. My writing is more like, angry, coarse, straightforward. His style is more into metaphors, contemplation. There’s a duality, where one side tends to have some hope, and the other side denies every form of hope.

Over the years, my songwriting has improved quite a bit. Since I’m part of multiple bands, this is hard work all the way, but I’m having so much fun I often have trouble considering this as “work”.

4.I know the band's name means 'Ask (to) The Dust', in French, how does this name fit in with the musical style that you play?

Vince : This name was a kind of inspiration for the recording of the first album “Demande A La Poussière”, some lyrics directly come from the book of John Fante. It made sense back in the time to relate to this book. For the next ones the lyrics has been written by ourselves, talking about life and human sorrows. 

5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

Vince : The artwork of Kintsugi is done by Vade Retro, two french, very talented guys. We really like their work for bands but also different festivals. They agreed to work with us for this new record and we are truly grateful. 

6.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?

Vince : We played a couple years ago with two great french bands, Svart Crown that sadly doesn’t exist anymore and Regarde les Hommes Tomber who recently opened for Behemoth. It was such a great moment for us. Our first gig was also with Decline Of The I, this one is a very special one too. 

We try to give the best experience for the public in our live shows, even in small venues, in terms of sound but also with a special light synchronized show and background video. I am personally a big fan of live music, especially in metal, we all  come to the show to see a special moment. That’s what we try to do each time. 

7.Do you have any touring or show plans for the new album/

Vince : Yes we are currently working on it. It’s not finalized yet, but we want to promote this album as much as possible. We are proud of what we achieved with the work we did on the show, so let’s hope we will manage to be booked in France and elsewhere.

8.The last 2 albums where released on 'My Kingdom Music', how would you compare working with this label 'Argonauta Records'?

Vince : The work of My Kingdom Music is beyond our expectation, we are truly grateful to be supported by Francesco. Without him, it would not be the same. We have a great confidence on his judgment.  And he does a huge work on the promotion coupled with the work of Agence Singularité our press agency. 

9.On  a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black, sludge, doom and post metal?

Simon: lots of people loved it. We had loads of positive feedback during our promotional tour.

On a worldwide view, I bet we fell in quite a number of foreign ears!

10.What is going on with some of the other bands or musical projects these days that some of the band members are a part of?

Simon: My black metal project, Anthropovore, released two albums in February, and my other black metal band, Supplices, will release its second album this year. My thrash/death metal band, Muertissima, is currently working on its second album after a line-up change. My post-stoner band, Smoke, is working on its second album. My rock band, Circle of trust, is looking forward to record its first album. My punk/rock band, Dready, is aiming to do their first gigs very soon. I am also part of a deathcore project with a friend of mine, called CHAGS. I also have a solo post-black metal project called Arachnotrone, the first EP will be released this spring.

11.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

Simon: more doom, more despair, more violence, more sludge, more grunge, and above all… More nasty riffs!

12.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are currently listening to nowadays?

Simon: I’ve always been a huge fan of bands like Midnight Oil, and I still listen to them from time to time. I also listen to a lot of hardtek, rap, stuff like that. In terms of metal, I’m more of an early 2000’s guy. But I always enjoy listening to something new!

Vince :  I listen to a lot of different music styles myself. I go from metal to jazz, I won’t list all the bands but it could be famous bands or upcoming ones. 

13.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Vince :  We would like to thank all the people following us on shows, the people we buy our record, all of this wouldn’t be possible without their support.

Simon: always remember, in dire times, there is always a light, whatever you name it.

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