Italy's Tele.S.Therion has returned with a new recording which shows them expanding on their acoustomatic style of black metal and this is a review of their 2023 album "Pho Ba Grong 'Jug - Acta incognitorum, r. g. i. v. VIII TA - Contemplatio Musicae In Musicae Absentia [For solo performer]" which was released by Radical Matters.
Field recordings start off the album before going into more of an experimental and avant garde musical direction. All of the music is also improvised while viola bow's are also a very huge part of the recording along with the electric bass also being utilized more as a lead instrument and the album also h as its ritualistic moments.
Elements of black and doom metal a re also utilized quite a bit throughout the recording while noises are also added into some part of the album. When percussion is utilized it is also done in a very aggressive style along with the music also adding in some home made instruments, evil voices are also utilized at times.
On this recording Tele.S.Therion takes black, doom metal, experimental, avant garde and noise and mixes them together to create a very diverse album as well as keeping everything improvised while the production sounds very dark,
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Tele.S.Therion and if you are a fan of black, doom meta, noise, avant garde and experimental music, you should check out this album. 8 out of 10.