Friday, March 10, 2023

Weissravana Interview


>1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the musical project?

WeissRavana is a Melodic Death / Blackened Deathcore band with vocalist Shiki UTAGAWA and guitarist Hiori NISHIORI.

Formed in Tokyo, Japan in 2019.

They create music that combines the speed of thrash, the brutality of death metal, and emotional and dramatic melodies.

>2.So far you have released an ep, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?

There are two things I emphasized during the recording.

The first is to use sound to express the emotions that arise from the story of a song, which was previously expressed in musical notation.

The combination of dynamics and song development expresses this, but I tried to make sure that all the ensembles express the same feeling.

As a result, I think that when I listen to music, I can feel sadness, pain, a sense of release, and a sense of speed.

The second is balance.

The balance of the mix was very important because there were so many sounds.

Besides volume, the balance between stillness and movement, the balance between melody and riff, etc. is the most important in everything.

>3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored so fr with the music?

WeissRavana's songs all have a story within a common universe.

It's a dark fantasy set in a modern, futuristic world.

The lyrics and poems are the story of each one of them.

It has a structure that builds one world by gathering multiple of these.

>4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Weissravana'?

The name of the god "Vaiśravaṇa" is the origin of the band name, and the spelling is slightly changed.

Vaiśravaṇa is a god in Indian mythology and Buddhism.

I chose this band name because I like the sound of the name.

It has no deep meaning.

>5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the ep cover?

The artwork expresses the world view more visually than the story expressed in lyrics and poetry.

It is a world that can be called "Twilight" that exists between reality and unreality.

I would like you to listen to the song while imagining the story that will be spun there by looking at the artwork.

>6.Currently there are only 2 members in the band, are you open to expanding the line up or do you refer to remain a duo?

We don't have any particular problems with the two of us right now, so we don't have any plans to actively increase the number of members.

It's an extreme example, but even if it's a 6-member line-up without the two original members, I don't think it's a problem as long as it's in the best condition for the band.

>7.The ep was released on 'Sliptrick Records', how di you get in contact with this label?

I sent demos and biographies of the band to several labels and got some responses and contract offers.

One of them was Carlo, and after exchanging various emails, I knew I could trust him.

Also, there was a Japanese band that I knew, so I decided to sign with Sliptrick Records.

>8.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of melodic black, death metal and deathcore?

"Awakening of The Ancient Blood" will be Weiss Ravana's first sound source, so I don't know the reaction of the fans, but the label that sent the demo has generally received a good response.

Artists I know also like the EP.

We hope that fans of melodious and extreme music around the world will like this EP.

>9.When can we expect a full length and also where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

The full album will be completed by the end of this year.

We have a lot more good new songs than we originally planned, so we are rearranging the composition.

Recording has also started.

As for the future of the band, I think it will evolve from the current musicality, incorporating many new technologies and incorporating a wider range of musical elements.

>10.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

There are many bands that have influenced me, but representative ones include Inflames, Arch Enemy, Children Of Bodom, Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, and X Japan.

In terms of music style, I am influenced by classical music, film scores, animation and game soundtracks.

People who like this kind of music will like WeissRavana's songs.

>11,Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Thanks for the interview.

And thanks for reading the interview.

Anyway, I hope that many people around the world will listen to this EP.

If you like melodious, dramatic and extreme music, you will love it.

Facebook | Youtube | Tw itter  | On Sliptrick

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Ophirae/Ophidian/Mutilation Productions/2022 Full Length Review


  Ophirae  are  a  band  from  Brazil  that  plays  a  melodic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2022  album  "Ophidian"  which  was  released  by  Mutilation  Productions.

  Acoustic  guitars  and  synths  start  off  the  album  before  going  into  more  of  a  heavier  and  melodic  musical  direction.  Vocals  are  a  mixture  of  death  metal  growls  and  black  metal  screams  while t he  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  add  in  a  decent  amount  of  blast  beats  and  tremolo  picking  and  the  music  also  adds  in  a lot  of  Swedish  influences.

  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  pats  while  all  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  album  also  have  a very  powerful  sound  to  them.  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  along  with  the  music  also  adding  in  a decent  amount  of  metalcore  elements,  acoustic  guitars  also  return  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording.  and  one  song  is  also  an  instrumental  and  one  track  also  adds  in  a brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts

  Ophirae  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  the  melodic  forms  of  black  and  death  metal  and  mixes  it  with  metalxcore  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark  themes. 

  In  my  opinion  Ophirae  are  a  very  great  sounding  melodic  mixture  of  black,  death  metal  and  metalcore  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRAKCS  INCLUDE  "Rise"  "Speed"  and  "IUNchain".  8  out  of  10.

  Youtube(full album):


Crawl (videoclip):   


NorthZyklon Interview


For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?

For those that have never heard of us before, we can say...listen to us (ha-ha). Band from Russia. Our music history started in 2004. But final musical direction was formed… maybe in 2015. We focused on emotions. On strong emotions. Hatred for people for their deeds, hatred for God for his indifference, love for the beautiful admiration for strength, enjoyment of freedom... The interweaving of words and music in close intercourse.

In 2022 you released your first full length, musically how does it differ from your previous ep?

In fact, this is the band's second full-length album. The first one was released in 2017. Our band was called ‘MemoriaL’ at that time. Despite the different name - it's the same musical style, the same people who worked on the material (I don't mean mixing / mastering, I'm talking about song development).

Compared to the EP, the album shines with sound. It's a symbiosis between a modern, over-dense sound and an archaic, iconic black metal raw sound. We didn't aim to record material "in a damp dungeon on an old microphone". No. We wanted to convey the liveliness of the instruments, so that the sound would be different from most modern tracks. I think we succeeded. Also, the compositions are worked out in much more detail on the album. If you listen not superficially - the abundance of string melodies and interesting drum moves will leave positive impressions. EP was a sketch. A preparation for a long term toil. While a full-length album is a big work, where all the tracks are interconnected by a single concept.

What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored so far with the music?

Basically, these are philosophical questions of world perception. We are not trying to tell how the listener should feel. We describe what we feel. Unearthing one's own fears, understanding one's own feelings, complemented by malice and anti-religion.

Originally the band was called 'MemoriaL', what was the cause of the name change and also the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'NorthZyklon'?

The 'MemoriaL' was designed when we were very young. I wanted to emphasize the desired monumentality (at that time we did not have it), while adding gloominess.

The members of the group grew up, at some point the band completely broke up. Then a reunion spontaneously turned out, the group returned to its original cast. But with a more adult look at the music. We decided to change the name, nobody liked the old one anyway. We have always been attracted by the north with its frosty secrets. The group was called the Northern Cyclone, but the word "cyclone" itself was written in a German manner. Firstly, because I love the German language (very strong sounding), secondly... so that when anyone googles us, they would not get weather forecast (haha).

I will say in advance: we have nothing to do neither with the symbolism of the recent events in the world nor with Nazism, or anything like that. We've been suspected of this...

Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

The cover is an illustration for the album's main track. In 2017, a song called "Witch" laid the foundation for the formation of an album. Despite the fact that the album contains earlier songs written in 2012-2016, it was after the creation of "Witch" when the idea was born: it seems it's time to record an album!

The fastest track on the album. A machine gun of drums, a whirlwind of guitars, an interweaving of melodies - all this is about the "Witch".

Following the lyrics, following the concept of the entire album, the idea for the cover was born.

The album is called "Inter Eos" (lat.), which translates as "among them". This is a part of the text from the second most powerful track "Non god, Non father". All tracks are connected by a single theme, the listener becomes an "observer" of an action that should not have been seen. It is a sacrament forbidden to strangers. Faced with what he saw, the hero himself (the listener) ceases to be himself. Spiritual throwing, doubts in faith begin to overcome him. All this is displayed in the texts and, as a result, in the cover of the "main action": the ascension of a new witch, the arrival of a new one in the world.

What are some of the best shows that the band has played so far and also how would you like to describe your stage performance?

We practically do not give concerts. This is a difficult topic for our team, in our conditions. We have no interest in such events due to the current realities.

The group's main focus is the studio work. It is in the studio where we manage to reveal the meaning of the songs as we hear them at the stage of the idea's inception.

However, our YouTube channel has recordings of our live performances. If you want to see us on stage - go to the channel. And if you like what you see - wait, maybe someday we will have that very "best performance", and you will be able to see it with your own eyes!

Do you have any touring or show plans for 2023?

No. For 2023, we plan to release another single (maybe even two), which will be the harbinger of the upcoming 3rd album, the material for which is almost ready.

A few years ago you also did a 'Marduk' cover, what was the decision behind doing your own version of one of their songs?

Marduk is the greatest musical group. Marduk, Belphegor, Hate – are perhaps the top three in my playlist. Of course, when you're playing music, you want to keep up with the best. Well, since I listed the "best" ones above - the idea to create a cover for the "fathers" came by itself. This is kind of a challenge: are you able to play the same way as the eminent teams play? I think we’ve made it.

In addition to the cover of Marduk, in live performances we played songs by Immortal, Belphegor and some other bands (I hope they won't swear at us ha-ha).

If the question is connected with a hint of the song’s theme and how it's viewed by society - I repeat: we are not pursuing any "Nazi ideology". Music is always closely related to the perception of the listener. Alas, I cannot influence someone else's perception. We just like to play fast, heavy, complex, melodic music.

On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black and death metal?

It seems… The universe has not learned about us yet (ha-ha). But we are working in this direction.

I think everyone understands that your popularity now directly depends on advertising. But every moon has a dark side of the moon, right? If you "force" the audience to listen to your band, it may become annoying. Ideally, the most honest recognition of you as a musician comes when you are being listened to at the recommendations of friends. I mean live discussion, not imposed by advertising, paid, social networking algorithms.

There is a thin line between "I don't pay for ads and no one will ever hear me" and "I paid 100k people to be praised in the comments".

We just write songs that we like, play them, record them in the best quality and hope that the audience will find this music on their own.

Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

The tracks for the 3rd album (and even a couple of things for the 4th) seem to be more complex. I think we are developing. These are not always "faster" songs, more complex in terms of "playing technique". This is a growing difficulty to comprehend. In fact, I understand that this can chase away the listener. Very few people are ready to listen to a track several times in order to understand it. But that doesn't really concern us. The main thing is that music gives us satisfaction, which means that there will be those who are on the same wavelength with us.

I think we can record a dozen more albums))

What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

First of all - Belphegor. This is the band with which I realized that heavy music is as beautiful and multifaceted as classical music. Yes, this realization came after the song Lucifer Incestus, no matter how strange it may seem. From the first chords heard in 2004, I became a fan of this group. Vesania, Hate, DarkFuneral, Marduk, CristAgony, Taake, Satyricon, NocturnalDepression, Tiamat… I'm afraid that if you list all the bands we like and which influenced the formation of our style, it will take a couple of days))

As for musical styles - I do not presume to argue. Now there are too many varieties, and too many smart people who try to fit music into a certain genre. At the same time, the music itself is also evolving. Each group can find parts of a particular style. In short - we focus on black death metal.

Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Dude, yes, you who is reading this. Stop basing your musical tastes on what the ads tell you. If you love music, consider yourself a sophisticated listener - look for music. Feel the music. Listen carefully. Stop listening to selective tracks, start to perceive the work of musicians as a whole, collected, large-scale. Try to move away from modern algorithms, return music to the category of art, and not the background sound that buzzes in your headphones while you are doing business.

All of us, musicians, in each of our work try to reveal to you, the listeners, a part of our worldview. So try to hear it! This might be new and exciting for you!


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Lathebra Interview


1. Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band members since the break up of the band?

After the first demo "Angels' Twilight Odes" released in 1997 and a second promo titled "Etra" and destined to label only released in 2000, all the members of the band went their separate ways for work or study and this obviously led us to distance ourselves considerably and in the end almost naturally the band ceased to exist. Some of us continued to play music in other projects and I started My Kingdom Music that now after more than 20 years is still active.

2. In the mid 90's and early 2000's you had released both a demo and an ep, musically how do they both differ from each other?

"Angels' Twilight Odes" released in 1997 is more direct, more influenced by the music of that period with its mixture of Black Metal, Doom and Dark. While "Etra" is probably more mature, with a more evident originality of the musical structures, and above all of the arrangements. Some acoustic elements started to appear and above all the use of the voice was more various giving to the songs more personality. The same element that is always present in both releases is that sense of magic and ethereal darkness that pervades the whole aspects of LATHEBRA as band and as music.

3. What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored on both of the releases?

The lyrics deal a lot with intimate aspects of life taken from the poetical side and with a Romantic vision of the same, in the literary sense of the word.

4. What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Lathebra'?

Latebra is an ancient latin word it literally represents a dark and hidden place. We have interpreted it as an intimate place of the human soul.

5. The band has been broken up for a couple of decades, what was the cause of the split?

Essentially, as I told you before, the distance between us. We all lived in different and distant cities and it was practically impossible to find a point of union and the possibility of being able to play together.

6. Did the band have any opportunities to live shows in the past, if so what where some of the best shows that the band played and also how would you describe your stage performance?

Oh yes, we played a lot during the early years of our existence. I remember with great pride a show in our city, Salerno, and another one in Naples together with the mighty UNDETAKERS and it was a blast!!!

7. What are some of the other bands or musical projects the band members joined after the split?

Francesco Galano created his own project call When The Clouds more into the Electronic and Ambient Music, Rosario Memoli, the drummer, played in Circle Of Witches and gave life to The Provincials more into Indie Rock. Bruno Villani plays now in a couple of projects (SEID, EFFESS).

8. One of the band members also done 'Vampiria Zine', is that zine still going on nowadays?

Vampiria Magazine was my own creature. It was active from 1996 till 2002 when I created My Kingdom Music, my own label.

9. Recently 'My Kingdom Music' re-issued your 1997 demo, can you tell us a little bit more about the newer version?

We received an offer to release a CD version of our demo by Sylphorium Records from Colombia.

We immediately accepted Nelson's offer but we wanted to release something different from the original version. So first of all I decided to release it with my own label too, so via My Kingdom Music, but above all we decided to give to the sound a new mastering and so we sent it to Davide Barbarulo at the 20Hz20kHz Mastering Lab. The result was great indeed, giving to the work a new life.

10. On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black, dark and doom metal ?

When the demo was released in 1997 we sold all the 1000 copies in less that 6 months, the result was great and the reaction of the media and the fans were fantastic. The demo had an incredible reception resulting in demo of the month in many magazines and fanzines of the time.

11. Would the band members ever be open to getting back together and finally releasing a full length?

During the years in some moments probably yes, but the conditions of life and our works have always prevented that from happening. I don't think it will happen in the future but I confess that it would be really great to be able to share again those moments with the rest of the band.

12. What were some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

I do not know but of course we were in those years that Black Metal was having its maximum explosion with bands like Emperor, Arcturus, Cradle Of Filth, so I think those bands had in us a particular influences but also Doom Metal with early Anathema and My Dying Brid, some classical Heavy Metal above all in the guitar working and something from Dark Wave above all for what concerns the atmospheres.

13. Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

Thanks a lot   to you and your readers. It would be great if you could listen to our music and share with us your opinion . Here is a link where you can do it:

Monday, March 6, 2023

Ardent Nova Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?

Mike: Absolutely - Ardent Nova formed from the ashes of Draconis and Pagan Thunder. I formed Draconis in 1995 and by 1999 I wanted to also work on a less extreme project, one that revolved around clean vocals and "bigger" choruses. Which was supposed to be Pagan Thunder.  Obviously Ardent Nova has the aggressive vocals, but that's another story

2.You have a new album coming o9ut in the middle of March, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?

Mike: My original thought was basically Power Metal but with some Pagan/Viking metal elements

3.Some of your lyrics cover Paganism themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in this topic?

Mike: my interest in this goes back to elementary school. I've always been fascinated by ancient cultures, everything from Greece/Rome/Egypt and even Japan and  Mayan civilizations to a degree. However the Scandinavian/Viking culture of the middle ages is really at the forefront of all of them. Between the lore, myths, customs and respect for nature I think modern society has a lot to learn simply by looking back

4.What are some of the other lyrical topics and subjects the band has explred so far with the music?

Mike: ups and downs of life, dealing with people, being a leader, being a lone wolf, letting go of stupid sh*t and not dwelling on the past. If I can ever tie any of that in with the "pagan" themes I will, so the songs can have a double meaning 

5.Originally the band was called 'Pagan Thunder', what was the cause of the name change and also the menaing and inspiration behind the name 'Ardent Nova'?

Mike: I really wish it could have worked out with the original name, I have an incredible logo drawn by the same guy who did my business logo. But life happens and there is a time limit on things and an expiration date. I had a dream that I was in a band Ardent Nova and when I woke up, I was like: "I'm SURE that name is taken" hahahaha! I guess I lucked out

6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

Mike: not much to tell there as I did not draw it. Amazing artist though, I follow her artist account on IG and that particular piece caught my eye. She has lots of really cool and unique pieces on her profile

7.Currently there are only 2 members in the band, are you open to expanding the line up or do you prefer to remain a duo?

Mike: I'm open to anything, as long as the new individuals will commit and not be flaky (so, things are not likely to change)

8.The new album is coming out on 'Wise Blood Records', are you happy with the support the label has given you so far?

Mike: absolutely. Sean is a pleasure to work with, both with Ardent Nova and Empty Throne

9.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of melodic and extreme metal?

Mike: so far seems really good, low engagement and low numbers but I guess that is to be expected these days. It's a shame that the days of fans being psyched up for a new record are LONG gone

10.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

Mike: same/similar style, at least for album 2 which is basically.already finished 

11.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

Mike: as far as influences: Falconer, Mithotyn, Nocturnal Rites, Stratovarius, Hammerfall, Forefather, Turisas, Finntroll, Forefather, and of course the classics Slayer, Metallica, Exodus etc. These days I listen to much of the same as I did years ago, the latest Katatonia record is exceptional, latest Revocation is incredible, Hypocrisy "worship" and Ensoferum "Thalassic" stand out to me

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Mike: Thanks featuring Ardent Nova, hope everyone enjoys our new record and if a band you like comes to your town (or close) don't be a lazy cheap-ass, go see them live!! 🤣

https://ardentnova.bandcamp. com/album/ardent-nova

Ardent Nova on IG: ardent_nova/ 

Ardent Nova on FB: profile.php?id= 100087978697755

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Weissravana/Awakening Of The Ancient Blood/Sliptrick Records/2023 EP Review


  Weissravana  are  a  duo  from  Japan  that  plays  a  melodic  mixture  of  black,  death  metal  and  deathcore  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2023  ep  "Awakening  Of  The  Ancient  Blood"  which  will  b e released  in  April  by  Sliptrick  Records.

  Symphonic  sounds  and  spoken  word  parts  start  off  the  ep  which  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  at  times.  Vocals  are a   mixture  of  black  metal  screams  and  death  metal  growls  while  the  riffs  also  add  in  a  great  amount  of  melody  and  the  solos  and  leads  are  also  done  in  a very  melodic  style.

  All  of t he  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  the,  while  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  add  in  a  decent  amount  of  blast  beats.  Clear  singing  can  also  be  heard  briefly  along  with  the  music  also  adding  in  a a  lot  of  deathcore  elements  and  throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts.  

  Weissravana  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  a  very  melodic  and  symphonic  style  of  black  metal  and  mixes  it  with  death  metal  and  deathcore  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  sorrow  and  pain  themes.       

  In  my  opinion  Weissravana  are  a  very  great  sounding  symphonic  and  melodic  mixture  of  black,  death  metal  and  deathcore  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  duo.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Cliffed  By  Follis"  and  "The  Blaze  Birth  For  The  RE"Grade".  8  out  of  10.

Facebook | Youtube | Tw itter  | On Sliptrick    

Saturday, March 4, 2023

A.C.O.D/Cryptic Curse/Les Acteurs De L'Ombre Productions/2023 EP Review


  France's  A.C.O.D  have  returned  with  a  new  recording  which  shows  the  music  gong  for  more  of  a  melodic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2023  ep  "Cryptic  Curse"  which  was  released  by  les  Acteurs  De  L'Ombre  Productions.

  Synths  and  clean  playing  start  off  the  ep  before  going  into  more  of  a  heavier  and  melodic  musical  direction.  Vocals  are  mostly  high  pitched  black  metal  screams  while  the  riffs  also  add  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody  along  with  all  of t he  musical  instruments  also  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to t hem.

  Elements  of  death  metal  can  also b e  hear d in  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  while  the  music  also h as  its  symphonic  moments.  Spoken  word  parts  can  also  be  heard  briefly  along  with  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  adding  in  a  decent  amount  of  blast  beats  as  well  as  the  solos  and  leads  also  being  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  when  they  are  utilized,  throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts.

  On  this  recording  A.C.O.D  adds  in  some  symphonic  touches  to  their  melodic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  to  create  something  very  different  sounding  from  their  previous  releases.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  magick,  death  and  afterlife  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  A.C.O.D  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  melodic  and  symphonic  black  and  death  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  ep.  RECOMMENDED  TRACK  "The  Mask  of  Fate".  8  out  of  10.

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