Marsh Dweller are a solo project originally from Ohio but now re-located to Pennsylvania that plays a melodic mixture of black and death metal and this is a review of his 2016 album "The Weight of the Sunlight" which will be released by Eihwaz Recordings in August.
Nature sounds start off the album along with some acoustic guitars a few seconds later before adding in more of a heavy and melodic sound and the solos and leads also use a great amount of melody while the faster sections of the songs use a decent amount of blast beats and the vocals are mostly grim black metal screams.
A lot of atmospheric elements can be heard quite a bit throughout the recording while at times the music also mixes both the heavy and acoustic parts together and all of the musical instruments sound very powerful and a couple of tracks are very long and epic in length along with the songs also bringing in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts.
There is also a great amount of Swedish style melodic death metal influences throughout the recording and as the album progresses a couple of instrumentals are added onto the recording and some tracks also add in a brief use of melodic singing and the album also contains a small amount of session work from members of Obsequiae, Brimstone Coven and Nechochwen.
Marsh Dweller plays a musical style that mixes the melodic styles of black and death metal with some progressive elements to create a musical style he refers to as being 'bright metal', the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover nature, Naturalistic Pantheism, Philosophy and Triumph themes.
In my opinion Marsh Dweller are a very great sounding melodic mixture of black and death metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this solo project. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The Dull Earth" "Monumental Collapse" and "Forks Of The River". 8 out of 10.