Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wykked Wytch Interview

1.Can you give us an update on what is going on with the band these days?
Ipek- We are getting ready for the release in February. Also shooting a video next month and getting ready to tour in the spring.

2. How would you describe the musical sound of the new album and how it differs fromprevious releases?
ipek- The new album is a much more mature album album than the previous. Same type of extreme metal music but better songs and much more going on. This albumalso welcomes the new addition of guitarist Nate Poulson who composed the music. What we have here is raw modern and technical musically and vocally very brutal,/ inhuman sick, with still epic clean vocals. Mixture of all metal syles and should appeal everyone who likes good heavy and extreme music.

3. Whatare some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer release?
Ipek-Lyrics are always evolving and express my emotions to where I was at the time and my mindset. Personal dramas effect the feelings and vision for the album, At the time of writing I was going through some betrayal and deceits. Basically lies and back stabbing issues from close friends and family.I think everyone can relate to this. Seeing true colors of a persons and despising their existence.

4. What are some of the best shows that the band has played so far and how would youdescribe your stage performance?
ipek- We have done many great shows over the years but few really stuck with me such as Kreator Tour in 2002, No Mercy Fests in 2005, & 2009 shows at California Metalfest and Portugal which was part ofo our last headlining tour in Europe.With our tour in 2009 this was our most recent line-up and I had very young yet very skilled talented musicians and they played excellent. These guys will bethe same for the tour supporting ‘ The Ultimate Deception’ so we will have thehigh energy shows. Everyone was very high energy pumped on stage unlike old burned out band members.

5. Do you have any touring plans for the new release?
Ipek-Absolutely,in the next few months everything will be announce. Especially US tour which we have neglected for so long. We were heavily focusing on Europe before because that’s where our previous label Demolition was based. But now since we have the support of our new label Goomba Music, we plan on doing much more touring in the US to support this release.

6. On a worldwide level how has your newer material been received by underground metal fans?
Ipek= Amazing and very well. Which I'm not surprised. ‘The Ultimate Deception’is fucking filler and fans have been waiting so long. I promised that the wait would be worth it. We have only released the track ‘Despised Existence’ so far which is streaming on the label site. Just getting a small dose of this beast of a single makes the fans even more excited to hear the rest of the album!

7. What direction do you see your music heading into on future releases?
ipek- I have not changed any direction. I always had the same vision for WW. SometimesI didn’t have the right creative team behind me at the time. But as time goes on you mature with your music and you get more creative, picky, and make better decisions. Also new members bring in fresh idea and new blood which is the reason some of the past members had to go. Don’t want to settle for less. We will continue to write more technical and epic tunes. The future will just mean making better music. More complex songs, technical, melodies, catchy riff, more solos, brutal & clean singing.

8. What are some bands or musical styles that have influenced your newer material andalso what are you listening to nowadays/
Ipek- I myself been classically trained so from Bach to Rock, blues , jazz and mainly all Metal styles have captured my attention. Older and newer bands always turned me on. Mercyful Fate & Testament had a big impact on early years of my career. Dio, Black Sabbath & Death my favorite old stuff. Can’t think of all the current bands but dig Opeth, Faceless, Obscura, August Burns, Behemoth.Winds of Plague. Nate the guitarist listens to more modern bands like Periphery, Born of Osiris, After The Burial, Job For A Cowboy since he is from the new generation of musicians, but still love Pantera like us all.

9. Does Occultism play any role in the music?
ipek- No,I don’t think so. We have some fantasy type lyrics that could be interpret as occult, but no one is practicing any type of religion.

10.Outside of music what are some of your interests?

Ipek- In addition to doing the band I also do a metal radio show weekly “Ipek’s WytchingHour” on and interview my favorite bands and expose new bands that needs promotion. Still love going to concerts and festivals.Love Music period. I am also very much into true crime shows that you will find on History & Discovery, 48 hour type shows with scientific data and solving death and missing person mysteries. Love independent films and also animal lover. Cooking is another passion of mine. I can't speak for the band members they all have some different hobbies and maybe have a few skeletons in their closets which I don't care to know.

11. Any final words or thoughts before we wrap up this interview?
Thank You for the interest in Wykked Wytch and the interview. Hope You all go out and buy the new album on February 14th ‘ The Ultimate Deception ‘and supporting the independent bands in the scene,Stay Sick!!!!!!!! Check usout at

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eternal Decay/Beyond The Ties Of Flesh/2010 CD Review

  Eternal Decay are a band from Israel that plays a very symphonic and epic form of black metal and this is a review of their self released 2010 album "Beyond The Ties Of Flesh".

Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with a good amount of blast beats being thrown into the music, while the keyboards bring a very dark, symphonic and epic feeling, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars and at times they have a very powerful sound to them.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast black metal riffs that are very melodic sounding and not at all primitive with some influences from other genres of metal in addition there is a brief use of soft and clean playing while the lead guitars are very melodic sounding black metal guitar leads and solos, as for the acoustic guitars when they are utilized they use finger picking to enhance the darkness of the music.

Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams with some spoken word parts as well as a brief use of demonic sounding deep growls, while the lyrics cover occultism and mysticism, as for the production it has a very strong, powerful and professional sound to it.

In my opinion Eternal Decay are a very great symphonic and epic sounding black metal band and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Beyond The Illusion Gate" "Darkness And It's Faithful Servant's" and "Barricades Of Internal Mysticism". RECOMMENDED BUY.

Eternal Decay on Metal Archives

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sangre Eterna/Asphyxia/Maple Metal Records/2012 CD Review

  Sangre Eterna are a band from Serbia that started as a more symphonic gothic black metal band but evolved into a more melodic death/black metal band with this release and this is a review of their 2012 album "Asphyxia" which was released by Maple Metal Records.

Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats, while the keyboards bring a very atmospheric and symphonic feeling to the music, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars and at times they have a very powerful sound to them.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast melodic death metal riffs that have a black metal edge to them, while the lead guitars are very melodic sounding guitar solos and leads.

Vocals are a mixture of deep death metal growls and high pitched melodic death/black metal screams with some samples being thrown in at times as well as a brief use of clean singing male and female vocals, while the lyrics cover dark themes, as for the production it has a very strong, powerful and professional sound to it.

In my opinion Sangre Eterna are a very good sounding symphonic melodic death/black metal band and if you are a fan of this style, you shoulod check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The Masquerade" "Seventh Angel" "Shattered Sun" and "Asphyxia"> RECOMMENDED BUY.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thunderkraft/Totentanz/Svarga Music/2012 CD Review

  Thunderkraft are a band from Ukraine that plays a mixture of industrial, folk, death and symphonic black metal and this is a review of their 2012 album "Totenanz" which was released by Svarga Music.

Drums range from slow to mid paced drumming with some fast playing and blast beats, while the keyboards bring a very dark, industrial, atmospheric and symphonic sound to the music with some folk instruments being thrown in at times, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars and at times they have a very powerful sound to them.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast riffs that combine folk, thrash, industrial death and black metal together to create their own sound, while the lead guitars when they are utilized are very chaotic sounding heavy metal guitar solos and leads with a good amount of melody.

Vocals range from gruff vocals, deep death metal growls, high pitched black metal screams, clean singing and some spoken word parts, while the lyrics are written in a mixture of Ukrainian, Russian and German with themes that cover problems of mankind’s relation to the past, ideas of greatness and boundless possibilities of the human spirit, and the strength of will and character. Cosmology concepts are also represented, albeit leaning toward the social aspects, as for the production it has a very strong, heavy, powerful and professional sound to it.

In my opinion Thunderkraft are a very great sounding industrial/folk/death/symphonic black metal with their own sound and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Hacathe Yac(A Time Will Come)" "Totentanz(Dance Of The Dead)" "Habctpeuy hobon Sape(Towards A New Dawn)" and "Tbopeub Xnttr(The Creator Of Life)". RECOMMENDED BUY.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wykked Wytch/The Ultimate Deception/Goomba Music/2012 CD Review

  Wykked Wytch are a band from Florida that plays a very gothic form of symphonic black metal and this is a review of their 2012 album "The Ultimate Deception" which was released by Goomba Music.

Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats being thrown in at times, while the keyboards and prograamming bring a very dark gothic and symphonic feeling to the music, as for the bass playing it has a very dark sound with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast riffs that combine black metal with death and thrash metal with some dark sounding melodies being thrown in at times with a brief use of clean playing, while the lead guitars are very technical and melodic sounding guitar solos and leads.

Vocals range from high pitched black metal screams,,deep death metal growls, spoken word parts and a brief use of clean singing, while the lyrics cover dark themes and witchcraft, as for the production it has a very strong, professional and powerful sound to it.

In my opinion Wykked Wytch are a very good sounding symphonic/gothic/black/death metal hybrid and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Birthing The Beast" "Serpents Among Us" "Prayers Of The Decapitated" and "Abolish The Weak". RECOMMENDED BUY.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Abigail Williams/Becoming/Candlelight Records/2012 CD Review

  Abigail Williams are a band from New York that has had their previous recording reviewed before in this zine that plays a very mainstream form of atmospheric black metal and this is a review of their 2012 album "Becoming" which will be released by Candlelight Records.

Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with a good amount of blast beats being thrown into the music, while the keyboards have a very dark, progressive and atmospheric sound with some violins being thrown in at times, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast mainstream black metal riffs that also have some progressive, thrash and death metal influences with some dark sounding melodies and clean playing being thrown in at times and there are little to no guitar solos or leads present on this recording.

Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams mixed in with a small amount of deep growls and clean singing, while the lyrics cover dark themes, as for the production it has a very strong, powerful and professional sound to it.

In my opinion this is another good album from Abigail Williams and if you where a fan of their previous recordings, you will not be disappointed. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Ascension Sickness" and "Bestial". RECOMMENDED BUY.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Krampus/Kronos Heritage/2011 EP Review

  Krampus are a band from Italy that plays a mixture of folk metal mixed with melodic black/death and this is a review of their self released 2011 e.p "Kronos Heritage".

Drums range from slow to mid paced drumming with not much in the way of fast playing or blast beats, while the keyboards and folk instruments bring a very atmospheric and medievel feeling to the music, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars.

Rhythm guitars range from slow to mid paced riffs that combine folk metal with melodic death and black metal, while the lead guitars have a very melodic sound to the guitar solos and leads.

Vocals are a mixture of high pitched melodic black/death screams and growls mixed in with some clean singing, while the lyrics cover Moral Principles and Values In The Ancient Times, as for the production it has a very strong and powerful sound to it.

In my opinion Krampus are a very good melodic sounding folk/death/black metal band and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACK "Aftermath". RECOMMENDED BUY.