Dethcentrik are a band from Colorado Springs, Colorado that has been featured before in this zine with a musical style that combines black metal, doom, punk, industrial and noise together and this is a review of their 2012 album "I Think You Got The Clean Version" which was released by Dod Incarnate Records.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with a good amount of brutal blast beats being thrown into the music, while the programming brings elements of experimental, harsh noise and industrial elements to the music.
Regular guitars and bass are all absent from this recording with the drums and programming making up for the brutality and still showing you can bring metal elements into the music without using these traditional instruments.
Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal/noisecore screams mixed in with some spoken word industrial elements, while the lyrics cover dark and hateful themes, as for the production it has a very dark, heavy, raw and primitive sound to it.
In my opinion this is another great album from Dethcentrik and if you where a fan of their previous recordings, you should enjoy this one as well. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Let Us Pray" "Realization Of Being In Hell" and "A Quick Yet Painful Death". RECOMMENDED BUY.