Monday, January 12, 2015

First Dawn Interview

1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?
- First Dawn is a project initiated in 2012. The recording of the Final epoch album started in the summer of 2013 and was finished year later in the fall of 2014. Right now First Dawn exists purely as a studio project so no live shows have been played or planned for the future.

2.In October you had released your first album, how would you describe the musical sound that is presented on the recording?
- In Final Epoch we tried to create a mix of synth soundscape with aggressive metal guitar riffing and drumming. First songs were slower paced ones like the Devastation and evolved from there  to maybe more traditional metal songs like Pilgrimage.

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the music?
-The lyrics basically take place post apocalypse/scifi scenery where remnants of humans leave their ruined earth behind and head To the stars with hope of starting with a clean slate. Underlying theme which also repeats throughout the record is a pessimistic view where nothing is never learned from the past mistakes. The shame of the Devastation caused by the protagonist at the beginning of the story is forgotten in few thousand years and after that it's business as usual :)

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'First Dawn'?
-The name First Dawn was proposed in one of our band get-togethers. Sounded cool so we used that.

5.What are some of the best shows that the band has played so far and also how would you describe your stage performance?
-First Dawn hasn't played any live shows.

6.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?
-There are no plans for playing live with this band. However, we don't want to rule anything out. If something very special or interesting comes up we will definitely consider it.

7.Currently you are unsigned, are you looking for a label or have received any interest?
-We have not ruled anything out, but we are not looking for a label very actively.

8.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of melodic black metal?
-The feedback has been mostly positive. The music for the Final epoch album was made and recorded because we felt these songs were good and deserve to be put out somehow. It has been extremely nice to see that lots of people have liked our music.

9.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?
-No new First dawn songs have yet been completed, but hopefully during this year I'll find time to put stuff together for the next FD release. My vision is, at least right now, that the music will be something like Devastation and To the stars (in Final Epoch), further combined with electrical synth based music and orchestral influences.

10.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
-Band and records form many different genres had an influence on Final epoch album. There is obviously lots of metal bands. Finnish bands like Moonsorrow, Swallow the sun and Alghazanth as well as melodic black metal bands like Emperor and Darkspace, to name a few. Also, influences from from movie soundtracks like Blade runner and Terminator had a huge effect on the Final epoch sound.

11.What are some of your non musical interests?
-Well, movies, books and figuring out the world. I'm a fan of scifi and post apocalypse stuff in general, which reflects also strongly in Final epoch lyrics.

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
-Thanks for everyone who have taken time to listen our music. If you like it, spread the word and check out our Facebook.


Myrkgrav/Vonde Auer/2014 Single Review

  Myrkgrav  are  a  1  man  band  originally from  Norway  but  now  resides  in  Finland  and  plays  a  blackened  from  of  viking  and  folk  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  self  released  2014  single  "Vonde  Auer".

  A  very  hard  and  heavy  sound  starts  off  the  single  along  with  some  clean  singing  viking  metal  vocals  and  when  solos  and  leads  are  added  into  the  music  they  bring  in  more  of  a  melodic  folk  metal  sound  to  the  single  and  spoken  word  parts  are  also  heard  briefly  along  with  a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts.

  In  the  faster  sections  a  small  amount  of  blast  beats  can  be  heard  while  the  guitar  riffing  also  brings  in  a  a  great  amount  of  melody  at  times  and  when  folk  instruments  are  added  onto  the  recording  they  add  in  more  of  a  medieval  and  pagan  atmosphere  in  the  parts  where  they  are  utilized  which  also  leads  up  to  a  brief use  of  black  metal  screams  and  the  second  track  is  more  of  a  shorter,  instrumental  and  acoustic  version  of  the  first  song.

  Myrkgrav  plays  a  very  melodic  style  of  viking  and  folk  metal  that  also  brings  in  a  touch  of  black  metal  to  create  his  own  sound,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  for  being  a  self  released  recording  while  the lyrics  are  written  in  Norwegian  and  cover  Paganism  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Myrkgrav  are  a  very  great  sounding  blackened  viking/folk  metal  project  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  single.  8  out  of  10.



Aethyr/Corpus/Cimmerian Shade Recordings/2015 CD Review

   Aethyr  are  a  band  from  Russia  that  plays  a  blackened  and  occult  mixture  of  funeral  doom  metal,  sludge,  ambient  and  drone  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2015  album  "Corpus"  which  will  be  released  in  February  by  Cimmerian  Shade  Recordings.

  A  very  dark  and  melodic  drone  sound  starts  off  the  album  before  going  into  more  of  a  doom  metal  direction  along  with  some  grim  black  metal  screams  and  deep  death  metal  growls  and  when  solos  and  leads  are  added  into  the  music  they  bring  in  a  very  depressive  feeling  to  the  music  while  also  bringing  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody  and  most  of  the  tracks  are  very  long  and  epic  in  length.

  At  times  the  music  speeds  up  a  bit  and  brings  in  a  small  amount  of  blast  beats  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  on  the later  tracks  the  band  starts  adding  in  more  elements  of  stoner  and  sludge  into  the  slower  doom  metal  riffing  while  some  of  the  alter  songs  also  bring  in  a  small  amount  of  synths  which  also  brings  in  more  of  a  funeral  doom  and  dark  ambient  atmosphere  to  the  recording  when  they  are  utilized  and  the  album  also  gets  more  diverse  with  each  track  along  with  one  of  the  songs  going  for  more  of  a  ritualistic  drone  sound  and  also  bringing  in  some  spoken  word  samples

  Aethyr  combine  a  variety  of  many  different  genres  together  from  black  metal,  funeral  doom,  sludge,  drone,  stoner  and  ambient  to  create  an  album  that  is  very  dark,  heavy,  and  ritualistic  sounding  while  also  being  very  original  at  the  same  time,  the  production  sounds  very  dark  and  heavy  while  the  lyrics  cover  Occultism  and  Esoteric  Disciplines.

   In  my  opinion  Aethyr  are  a  very  great  sounding  occult  mixture  of  black  metal,  funeral  doom,  sludge,  stoner,  drone  and  ambient  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Sanctus  Satanicus"  "The Gnostic  Mass"  and  "Templum".  8  out  of  10.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Malphas/The Conjuring/2015 EP Review

  Malphas  are  a  band  from  Pennsylvania  that  plays  a  melodic  and  symphonic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  self  relased 2015  ep  which  will  be  released  in  February.

  A  very  dark  70's  style  prog  rock  synth  starts  off  the  ep  and  after  a  few  seconds  the  music  starts  getting  a  lot  more  heavy  and  symphonic  as  well  as  bringing  in  a  great  amount  of  melody  which  leads  up  to  some  brutal  blast  beats,  fast  riffing  and  grim  black  metal  screams  and  the  solos  and  leads  also bring  in  a  great  amount  of  melodies,  talent  and  skill  to  the  recording.

  All  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  you  can  also  hear  some  death  metal  growls  being  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  recording  along  with  a  good  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  and  some  of  the  tracks  also  show  the  guitars  adding  in  elements  of  thrash  and  power  metal  while  some  of  the  clean  parts have  a  jazz  influence  to  them.

  Malphas  plays  a  style  of  symphonic  black/death  metal  that  is  very  melodic  and  also  displays  a  great  amount  of  talent  and  skill  as  musicians  throughout  all  5  of  the  tracks,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  for  being  a  self  released  recording  while  the  lyrics  are  a  concept  based  around  the  39th  Goetic  demon  Malphas  who  serves  as  the  grand  president  and  general  of  hell;  commanding  40  legions  of  demons  and  appearing  before  conjuror's in  the  form  of  a  crow.

  In  my  opinion  Malphas  are  a  very  great  sounding  melodic  and  symphonic  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "The Conjuring"  and  "Heaven's  Fall".  8  out  of  10.      


Monday, January 5, 2015

Abstracter/Wound Empire/Sentient Ruin Labratories/2015 CD Review

  Abstracter  are  a  band  from  Oakland,  California  that  plays  a  mixture  of  black  metal,  sludge,  crust,  noise  and  psychedelic  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2015  album  "Wound  Empire"  which  will  be  released  in  February  by  Sentient  Ruin  Labratories.

  A  very  dark,  distorted  and  atmospheric  sound  starts  off  the  album  along  with  a  great  amount  of  reverb  and  distortion  before  getting  a  little  bit  more  louder  and  you  can  hear  some  grim  black  metal  vocals  being  added  into  the  music  after  awhile  along  with  some  deep  growls  which  also  takes  the  music  into  a  more  heavy  sludge  metal  direction.

  All  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  the  songs  also  mix  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody  with  the  heavier  parts  and  all  of  the  songs  are  very  long  and  epic  in  length,  as  the  album  progresses  clean  playing  can  be  heard  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  along  with  more  elements  of  drone,  noise  and  psychedelic  being  added  into  some  of  the  tracks  and  on  the  last  song  a  small  amount  of  melodic  clean  singing  vocals  are  added  into  the  music.

  Abstracter  plays  a  very  slow  and  heavy  form  of  music  that  mixes  black  metal,  doom  and  sludge  together  while  also  adding  in  elements  of  drone  and  psychedelia  to  make  their  music  sound  a  lot  more  experimental,  the production  sounds  very  dark  yet  powerful  at  the  same  time  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark  and  metaphysical  themes.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Abstracter  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  black  metal.  sludge,  doom,  noise  and  psychedelia,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Lightless"  and  "Cruciform".  8  out  of  10.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Keeper/Sea Bastard/Medusa Crush/Dry Cough/Tadpole Records/Black Reaper Records/2015 Split Album Review

  This  is  a  review  of  a  split  album  between  California's  Keeper  and  the  United  Kingdom's  Sea  Bastard  which  will  be  released  in  February  of  2015  as  a  joint  effort  between  Medusa  Crush,  Dry  Cough,  Tadpole  Records  and  Black  Reaper  Records  and  we  will  start  of  the  review  with  Keeper  a  band  that  plays  a  mixture  of  black  metal,  sludge  and  doom.

  A  very  dark  and  heavy  sound  starts  off  their  side  of  the  split  along  with  some  melodies  being  used  at  times  and  after  a  minute  high  pitched  black  metal  screams  are  added  into  the  music  and  they  mix  in  with  the  doom  and  sludge  style  that  are  coming  out  of  the  guitars  and  their  song  is  14  minutes  in  length  as  well  as  always  sticking  to  a  very  slow  and  heavy  pace  and  when  the  song  gets  closer  to  then  end  it  brings  in  a  brief  guitar  lead,  the  production  sounds  very  dark  and  heavy  while the  lyrics  cover  occult  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Keeper  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  black  metal,  doom  and  sludge  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band  and  their  side  of  the  split.

  Next  up  is  Sea  Bastard  a  band  that  plays  a  mixture  of  crust,  sludge  and  doom  metal.

  Their  side  of  the  split  starts  off  with  a  very  distorted  and  powerful  sounding  bass  guitar  which  leads  up  to  a  more  heavy,  slow  and  melodic  doom  metal  sound  and  after  awhile  deep  grim  growling  vocals  are  added  into  the  music  and  the  song  is  20  minutes  in  length  and  halfway  through  the  song  high  pitched  sludge  screams  are  added  into  the  track  and  the  song  also  sticks  to  a  very  slow  and  heavy  direction  from  beginning  to  end  along  with  a  brief  guitar  lead,  the  production  sounds  very  dark  yet  heavy  and  powerful  at  the  same  time  while  the  lyrics  cover  occult  themes.

  In  my  opinion  Sea  Bastard  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  crust,  sludge  and  doom  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.

  In  conclusion  I  feel  this  is  a  very  great  sounding  split  and  I  would  recommend  it  to  all  fans  of  black  metal,  crust,  sludge  and  doom  metal.  8  out  of  10.    


Hombre Malo Interview

1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new album?
boris: well, the release was set on the 14th of november, not that long time ago.
we had the release party with timeworn and pandemi the 22nd; we had a lot of fun and it looked like we were not the only ones, eheh!
now, we are focusing on getting rid of some days off for a forthcoming tour, in january.
except that, jamming at the practice place, as always.

2.So far this year you have been a part of a split and have also released a full length, how would you describe
the musical sound of the newer music and also how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?
well, as the time passes by, i personally see our first album, the ecstasy of devastation, as a statement and we've been digging deeper in the directions presented on it. that's a totally non objective thought that appeared to me recently; then, take it as it is, eheh!
it also feels like we got angrier on that last album. and we manage to end up with a general sound on "persistent murmur of words of wrath" that reflects quite well this anger and the hystery of hombre malo. nice.

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music?
nacho: We have been writing lyrics like personal stories for a while. In "Persistent..." the comment about social issues overtakes and becomes the main theme. Things like homophobia, the rise of conservatism and this rebirth of religion all over the world have become a matter of concern for us. And also this exagerated consumption in the western world, and specially in countries like Norway. Quite sure we don't need to convince many among our audience, but  all of this pisses us off and we needed to put it into paper and notes.

4.I know that the band name means "bad Man" in Spanish, how does this name fit in with the style of music that you play?
boris: i don't know; does it fit? we still could be playing some spacy electronic music and be called hombre malo too, no?

5.What are some of the best shows that the band ha splayed over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?
russia has always been our favorite place to play, especially moscow; so intense there!
spain and czech republic are also on top of the list. valmiera in latvia has also this amazing abandoned building that got turned into an art space... fantastic spot and crowd.
a show is some kind of a transe where you hope everyone will join in and create commonly that huge amount of energy made of sweat, sound, passion, fun and relieves. sometimes, it works, sometimes, it doesn't, but if our t shirts aren't wet when we get out of stage, we missed something.

6.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?
the closest will be this 2 weeks tour in january i mentioned earlier with jack and the bearded fishermen from france; we'll go to denmark, germany, netherlands, belgium, uk (first time for both bands!) and france.
it looks like we'll spend some days with khmer in scandinavia early april too.
then, there will be tours in 2015; be sure we'll visit you this year! we'll let you know on time.
when it comes to the usa, japan, australia, w'd love to go there; but we need to find a way so we won't loose millions of dollars! any help on that side would be more than welcome.

7.Over the years you have been on a few splits, out of all the bands you have worked with on these albums,
which one do you feel came the closest to your musical style?
we shared records with jack and the bearded fishermen, desert icons and sofy major; if you add hombre malo to the list, you end up with 4 very different bands with 4 very different styles of music. but if i really have to pick up one, i'll take jack and the bearded fishermen because of their fuzz sound on their early records.

8.The new album came out on Disciplin Media, can you tell us a little bit more about this label?
disiplin media is run by stian who used to play in bands like Englemaker, Eskatol and Betonglbarn.
the same day our last album got released, disiplin media released also the first album of timeworn. and there is a beautiful reissue of a great norwegian band, kort process, coming in 2015... you can get all the infos at

9.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to the newer material by fans of underground music?
the thing is that we had A LOT of feedbacks this time, mainly because of disiplin media and stian who's been working his ass off in promoting that album.
all in all, feedbacks have been really good; people seems to see a strong unity/connection when it comes to the entire record listening experience.
nacho's work on linking the songs with samples, noises and the timing have a lot to do with that, i think.
but weird in an other way because some of those riffs are 4 years old and some are new...
but i do think that you can't get hombre malo by listening to one or two songs. so we like that they get the guideline through all of this noise wrapped up in 7 songs.

10.What is going on with some of the other bands or musical styles these days that some of the band members are a part off?
joakim, the drummer, is actually on tour in japan with his band ich bin n!ntendo and i know he'll go on tour in february with his other band, moe.
i don't know what's going on with jesuismort, nacho's band; but i guess we'll hear about that soon.
tom still have psalm from time to time.
okkultokrati, my other band, just released an album last july; we came back from a european tour plus some gigs in norway; now we are resting a bit.

11.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?
i could answer that question but this wouldn't end up the way i said; we are 4 very different persons. this would only be my thoughts and they will be "twisted" by the others on the way so it won't look like the initial ideas.
but, as i said earlier, there are faces of hombre malo that only us know and i hope they'll end up twisted live or on records one day.

12.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
i think that hombre malo has its roots in the diy/hardcore movement; but there is no boundaries when it comes to create music with this band; we never set any. i could read recently some reviews about the new album and people were speaking about noise rock, sludge, psychedelic, post rock, even grunge... sure, we can relate to all of that.
right now, on the lp player, the greek band aphrodite's child is playing. just before was the swedish band walk through fire...

13.What are some of your non musical interests?
in hombre malo, you have carpenters, bar tenders, roadies, drivers, fathers, surfers, book readers, sailors, swimmers, travellers, dreamers...

14.Before we wrap up this interview do you have any final words or thoughts?
thanks for reading and hopefully, we'll come and play to a place near you soon; that day, whatever day of the week it is,
come and join the celebration! because that's where it really happens.
