Showing posts with label epic black metal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epic black metal. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eternal Decay/Beyond The Ties Of Flesh/2010 CD Review

  Eternal Decay are a band from Israel that plays a very symphonic and epic form of black metal and this is a review of their self released 2010 album "Beyond The Ties Of Flesh".

Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with a good amount of blast beats being thrown into the music, while the keyboards bring a very dark, symphonic and epic feeling, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars and at times they have a very powerful sound to them.

Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast black metal riffs that are very melodic sounding and not at all primitive with some influences from other genres of metal in addition there is a brief use of soft and clean playing while the lead guitars are very melodic sounding black metal guitar leads and solos, as for the acoustic guitars when they are utilized they use finger picking to enhance the darkness of the music.

Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams with some spoken word parts as well as a brief use of demonic sounding deep growls, while the lyrics cover occultism and mysticism, as for the production it has a very strong, powerful and professional sound to it.

In my opinion Eternal Decay are a very great symphonic and epic sounding black metal band and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Beyond The Illusion Gate" "Darkness And It's Faithful Servant's" and "Barricades Of Internal Mysticism". RECOMMENDED BUY.

Eternal Decay on Metal Archives