Finland's solo project King Satan has returned with a new recording which shows the music going for a symphonic mixture of black, death and industrial metal and this is a review of his 2024 album "The Devil's Evangelion" which was released by Noble Demon.
Industrial style beats and symphonic sounding keyboards start off the album and also mixes in with the heavier sections of the songs. Vocals are a mixture angry black metal screams and death metal growls mixed in with some angry shouts and the faster sections of the songs also add in a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats.
Throughout the recording you can also hear a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts while one song also introduces female vocals onto the album. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very melodic style along with some spoken word samples also being used briefly, all of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them and one song also adds in a small amount of clean male vocals as well as some clean playing also being added towards the end.
On this recording King Satan continues to expand on his mixture of symphonic black, death and industrial metal from his previous releases. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Satanism, Occultism, Philosophy and Dark Humour themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from King Satan and if you are a fan of symphonic black, death and industrial metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "New Aeon Gospel' "Once Upon A Shadow" "The Devils And Saints" and "The Devil's Evangelion". 8 out of 10.